Monday, December 23, 2019

Morality and Whistle Blowing - 1142 Words

Whistle blowing Whistle blowing is an attempt of an employee or former employee of a company to reveal what he or she believes to be a wrongdoing in or by a company or organization. Whistle blowing tries to make others aware of practices that are considered illegal or immoral. If the wrongdoing is reported to someone in the company it is said to be internal. Internal whistle blowing tends to do less damage to the company. There is also external whistle blowing. This is where the wrongdoing is reported to the media and brought to the attention of the public. This type of whistle blowing tends to affect the company in a negative way because of bad publicity. It is said that whistle blowing is personal if the wrongdoing affects the†¦show more content†¦De George argues that whistle blowing is permissible, but not required, if you cover the first three steps and mandatory if you cover all five. I do agree with De George and his arguments for whistle blowing. I think it is important to continually try and keep the problem internal no matter what. I feel it is the best way to solve the problem because nobody will get hurt that much by the act of whistle blowing. Using De Georges five steps lays an essential foundation for anyone who feels that there is a considerable problem, which is harmful in nature and needs to be resolved. An employee needs to continually try and keep the problem internal so as not to look disloyal. If the problem continually gets overlooked, than there must be a step taken to make the problem known externally as De George suggests in his fourth and fifth steps. The best solution to this problem may lie between yes and no. One does have a certain moral standard to uphold. This would include blowing the whistle on a company that is hurting others because of unsafe products. This would also include the moral responsibility to provide and care for yours elf and a family. A person does have a moral responsibility to both of these. One way to accomplish both would be to inform the public about the companys wrong doings, but do it anonymously so no one would know who did it. By staying anonymous, you can keep your job and stillShow MoreRelatedThe Foundation Of Morals And Ethics992 Words   |  4 Pagesostracized for speaking out. The act of whistle blowing or in other words â€Å"snitching,† is a controversial topic perceived by some as an act of bravery stemming from a commitment to ethics and to others as a disloyal and untrustworthy action. Whistle blowers play a critical role in government accountability, some whistle blowers are seen as heroes, but others are controversial. Marsha Coleman-Adebayo was an 18 year employee of the US EPA, who blew the whistle on discrimination in addition to a U. SRead MoreCultural Relativism and Whistleblowing869 Words   |  4 PagesExplain using the ethics of cultural relativism the advan tages and disadvantages of whistle blowing Cultural relativism is the principle regarding the beliefs, values, and practices of a culture from the viewpoint of that culture itself ( 2012). It is the concept that the importance of a particular cultural idea varies from one society or societal subgroup to another and that ethical and moral standards are relative to what a particular society or culture believes to be good or bad, rightRead MoreThe Foundation For Morals And Ethics991 Words   |  4 Pagesostracized for speaking out. The act of whistle blowing or in other words â€Å"snitching,† is a controversial topic perceived by some as an action of bravery stemming from a commitment to ethics and to others as a disloyal and untrustworthy action. Whistle blowers play a critical role in government accountability, some whistle blowers are seen as heroes, but others are controversial. Marsha Coleman-Adebayo was an 18 year employee at the US EPA, who blew the whistle on discrimination in addition to a U.Read More Ethics801 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿Ethics Assignment 1. Is  whistle  blowing  violation  of  positive  duty  to  the  employer/organization?  Under  what  conditions  an  employee  can  justify  such  violation?   How  exactly  is  the  duty of  loyalty  owed  to  the  employer/organization  weighed  against  the  duty  to  the  public  and  larger  society?   Whistle blowing may not always result in negative outcomes for the company/organization. It may also be done in order to identify the flaws present in the current organizational structure which allow peopleRead More Ethical Leadership versus a Written Ethics Code Essay1485 Words   |  6 PagesEthics, which is less commonly known to us as moral philosophy, is an affiliation of philosophy that talks about issues of morality, concepts such as crime and justice, good and evil go hand in hand with morality. Ethics plays a major part in society and it is the way people behave in certain situations, over the years it has come under the spotlight through numerous situations. In this essay I will discuss whether a written code of ethics combined with ethics training is more effective than strongRead MoreMoral Ethics1041 Words   |  5 Pagesmost police departments. For instance, when dealing with misconduct within the police department, the most preferred means used are legal means. The other alternative to use in addressing the issues of police misconduct is the application of morality. This means that the police department workforce should be taught extensively on sincere values of truthfulness, loyalty to oath and justice for all. The usual methods that the police department applies in dealing with the occurrence of misconductRead MoreWhistleblowing in The Medical Community Essay example1334 Words   |  6 Pagesdescribes whistleblowing as an act for an employee of revealing what he believes to be unethical or described as an illegal behaviour to a higher management (internal whistleblowing) or to an external authority or the public (external whistleblowing). Whistle-blowers are often seen as traitors to an organisation as they are considered to have violated the loyalty terms of that organisation while some are described as heroes that defend the values and ethics of humanity rather than loyalty to their companyRead MoreA Moral Dilemma2001 Words   |   9 Pagesthat their initial belief was lacking experience. The typical whistleblowers as much as they are loyal employees, only realize when it’s too late that the company does not appreciate bad news. In many cases whistleblowers had intention to blow the whistle but in their opinion see it as duty by acting according to their professional norms (Uys, 2006). Generally, organizations consider whistleblowing as illegal since they believe that whistleblowing is an abnormal act which threatens the profitabilityRead MoreThe Quality of Integrity in Life and Business3249 Words   |  13 Pagesforeground? Would I blow the whistle? I would like to think that I would answer a definite yes to that question but the truth is when one is in the position to either blow the whistle or not blow the whistle there are many outside forces that play into the decision. It is necessary to be reminded that in order to preserve integrity, blowing the whistle is a necessary act when deemed appropriate. In this essay I will explain what types of situati ons require the whistle to be blown and how to determineRead MoreEthical Decision Making : The Code Of Silence919 Words   |  4 Pagesused to defend morality. In the professional arena ethics examines justice, veracity, and develops a code of conduct for the person to follow. Ethical conflicts presented where correction officers purposely, exploiting racial tension by arranging physically assaultive behavior, of rival gang members which was used for sport, entertainment and shooting practice for the correction officers (Dryburg, 2009). Course of Action The two officers (Riggs and Caruso), choose to be whistle blowers and were

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Business Project Free Essays

Mike Wardingley Define the term â€Å"the learning organization. †Ã‚   In what ways can the principles of the learning organization strategically impact an organization? A learning organization is one that: -Seeks to create its own future. -Assumes learning is an ongoing and creative process for its members. We will write a custom essay sample on Business Project or any similar topic only for you Order Now -Develops, adapts and transforms itself in response to the needs and aspirations of people, both inside and outside itself. – Allows people at all levels, individually and collectively, to continually increasing their capacity to produce results they really care about. A company that cares about development and their future will be a learning organization. Wide profit margins are great but a great company will not only worry about the bottom line, but the personal and professional development of their employees as well. An atmosphere of learning and improvement will also help spurn new and improved processes. Google has become a company that allows the employees to continually improve and fosters creative thinking. The work environment is relaxed and the perks allow the employees to be free thinkers. Companies that put effort and money into the development of their employees will see a much bigger return in the end. Tuition assistance, college loan repayment programs, and during work learning opportunities will keep the employees happy as well as constantly developing into more educated and productive workers. Using the Internet, research the Small Business Administration’s website (www. sba. gov). What different types of financing are available to small firms? Besides financing, what other programs are available to support the growth and development of small businesses? The types of financing that are available to new small businesses are: * Loans * Grants * Bonds * Venture Capital In addition to the financing options, the Small Business Administration has set up a large number of other forms of assistance to make sure a new business has all the tools necessary to succeed. There is an online training program that will help an owner with starting, managing, financing, and contracting the new business venture. The Small Business Administration has also developed programs to help other types of new business owners. The Women’s Business Center was set up to help women start and maintain a successful business. The Veteran’s Business Center was created to help US Military veterans start a new fresh start after leaving military service. The US Export Assistance Center was established to help small businesses with the difficult task of beginning new exports to other countries. This difficult process is tough but made much easier with the help of the SBA. The SBA is a free resource that can help you develop a new business plan and then make a move to start your business and set you up for success. Define the term â€Å"emotional intelligence (EI). †Ã‚   What are the key elements of EI? Why is so important to successful strategic leadership? Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the capacity to reason about emotions, and of emotions to enhance thinking. It includes the abilities to accurately perceive emotions, to access and generate emotions so as to assist thought, to understand emotions and emotional knowledge, and to reflectively regulate emotions so as to promote emotional and intellectual growth. The four key elements are: 1. Self Awareness 2. Self Management 3. Social Awareness 4. Relationship Management A good manager knows not only who he/she is, but also who each one of their employees is as well. Not just that they have a wife and 2 kids, but knows about what makes them who they are. The likes/dislikes, the personality, the past, and the future goals should be vitally important. This is key to making sure the work center is productive and free of hostility. While opinions will differ, too much dissention and strife can kill not only office camaraderie but production as well. Fostering healthy work relationships can also ensure that office cohesiveness stays on track. While the consequences of unhealthy relationships can be very costly, developing good and healthy relationships with employees can pay off in the end. Knowing each employee on a personal basis can help you better know how to interact with each employee and get the most productivity in return. How to cite Business Project, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Rare Rembrandt Rembrandt as Printmaker Essay Example For Students

Rare Rembrandt Rembrandt as Printmaker Essay Several hundred years after he lived and worked,  Rembrandt  remains a celebrity of single-name status; chances are that several hundred years from now his work will endure while that of, say, Yanni might not. Of  Rembrandt  van Rijns 290 etchings, 85 are currently on view, along with additional prints of the era, at UVMs Fleming Museum. The touring exhibition, Rembrandt  and the Art of Etching, has already been seen by perhaps a million viewers in South America, but Burlington is its only North American stop. Afterwards the works will return to the place where most were created:  Rembrandts own home, now the  Rembrandt  House Museum in Amsterdam. The exhibition offers Vermonters an exclusive opportunity to see many of the 17th-century Dutch masters most important works. Reached by phone in Boston last week,  Rembrandt  House curator Dr. Bob van den Boogert was asked, Why Burlington? his answer was simple: Janie Cohen. The Fleming Museum director is the co-author of Etched on the Memory The Presence of  Rembrandt  in the Prints of Goya and Picasso, and much of her research was done in Amsterdam. Cohen has also contributed writings to the  Rembrandt  House. So bringing this historic collection of etchings to Burlington was a natural choice for her Dutch colleague. Van den Boogert will give a talk on  Rembrandt  at the Fleming this Thursday. The exhibition comprises a wide range of subjects, including at least eight self-portraits. In the earliest,  Rembrandt  was in his twenties. The best-known is probably Self Portrait, Leaning on a Stone Sill from 1639. At 33,  Rembrandt  appears an almost foppish young man, as cocky as DArtagnan from The Three Musketeers. But thats an external view. The artists inner world is what makes the show so intriguing, and the medium of etching provides the perfect platform for viewing it. Rembrandt  sold thousands of copies of etchings in his lifetime, and was probably better known for those works than for his paintings. His technical bag of tricks was second to none, and that virtuosity enabled him to exercise the full range of his expressive powers. Insight into  Rembrandts creative process can been seen in the two states of The Three Crosses presented in this exhibition. Figures have been added and removed between the two states, both created on the same copper plate. He also altered his composition by manipulating light and shadow. Another religious print, Christ Healing the Sick from about 1649, illustrates two technical steps in the etching process. A slick ground was applied to the plate, and that ground was drawn through in a very direct way. When etched, the exposed metal created relatively soft lines to be inked. Then  Rembrandt  cleaned and dried the plate before scratching contrasting lines directly into the metal to add finer details to areas such as hands, toes and clothing. Christ Healing the Sick is arguably  Rembrandts most famous etching, and it figures prominently in the artists lore. It is also known as the Hundred Guilder Print, and several explanations have been proffered for that curious moniker. In 1755 a French art dealer said that  Rembrandt  traded an impression of it for an Italian print worth 100 guilders. Another unlikely story is that  Rembrandt  repurchased a copy of the print for that exorbitant sum. Recent scholarship has unearthed a 1654 letter to the bishop of Bruges from a contemporary artist that  Rembrandts prints had sold for 100 guilders on several occasions. That kind of popularity made him a wealthy man, at least for awhile. The Shell (Cornus Marmoreus) of 1650 suggests one reason  Rembrandt  went bankrupt in 1658. Van den Boogert explains that something as exotic as a Cornus Marmoreus shell would have cost the price of a house in Amsterdam. It was practically a 17th-century moon rock, and The Shell   Rembrandts only etching still life was drawn from a specimen in his extensive collection of baubles and fine art. He had also gotten into the almost-unheard-of habit of creating prints for his own enjoyment rather than specifically for sale. The Shell and The Hundred Guilder Print may have been such works. .ud3b16866a5186c774d00b5dd391fce1d , .ud3b16866a5186c774d00b5dd391fce1d .postImageUrl , .ud3b16866a5186c774d00b5dd391fce1d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud3b16866a5186c774d00b5dd391fce1d , .ud3b16866a5186c774d00b5dd391fce1d:hover , .ud3b16866a5186c774d00b5dd391fce1d:visited , .ud3b16866a5186c774d00b5dd391fce1d:active { border:0!important; } .ud3b16866a5186c774d00b5dd391fce1d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud3b16866a5186c774d00b5dd391fce1d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud3b16866a5186c774d00b5dd391fce1d:active , .ud3b16866a5186c774d00b5dd391fce1d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud3b16866a5186c774d00b5dd391fce1d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud3b16866a5186c774d00b5dd391fce1d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud3b16866a5186c774d00b5dd391fce1d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud3b16866a5186c774d00b5dd391fce1d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud3b16866a5186c774d00b5dd391fce1d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud3b16866a5186c774d00b5dd391fce1d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud3b16866a5186c774d00b5dd391fce1d .ud3b16866a5186c774d00b5dd391fce1d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud3b16866a5186c774d00b5dd391fce1d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Rembrandt EssayEvery piece in this exhibition is notable, but one of the most fascinating is the 1652 print called Faust in most sources. Goethe popularized the story of Dr. Faustus 150 years after  Rembrandts death, so, as van den Boogert suggests, that identification is not undisputed. The alternative title, Practicing Alchemist, is probably more accurate. Either way, the print may indicate that  Rembrandt  had an interest in Jewish mysticism. His opulent Great Jewish Bride print of 1635 appeared one year after his own marriage, and many of his closest friends and patrons were Jews.  Rembrandt  and his wife Saskia also lived in Amsterdams vibrant Jewish quarter . Only one print, a commissioned portrait, is known to have been produced between 1660 and the artists death in October 1669. Like many of his late works, the self-portraits of his final years were moody and introspective. This can be seen in his self-portrait from age 42, in which the artist holds an etching needle to assiduously trace his own aging features. He is wearing plainer clothes than in younger years, and sits in a dark room with only one light source an open window to his right. That  Rembrandt  is the man who became immortal.