Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Key Principles For Community Engagement - 1136 Words

Key Principles for Community Engagement Community engagement is an essential part of community development. Community engagement is a process whereby citizens are engaged and actively involved in the process of community building, which results in productive, healthy and resilient communities. Engaged communities develop a sense of cohesion by involving a variety of sectors, and embrace change through innovation. Engaged communities have strong leadership, and utilize tools and resources that enable wide participation. Engaging citizens is crucial to building capacities for change, to identify priorities and set goals, and to develop a strong sense of belonging. Several principles can help guide community leaders and organizers to design, implement and evaluate community engagement efforts. Key Principles Values: Developing a Shared/Common Vision and Action Plan: This shared vision must have a strong leadership presence behind it, leadership that can bring together businesses, government, and voluntary sector, inspire and engage citizens. Effective leadership is needed to empower the community and individuals to â€Å"own† the issues, plan and implement strategies, and to realize positive outcomes. †¢ Establish a compelling reason to engage someone to participate in the initiative (i.e., clarifying the purpose for engagement and the goals) †¢ Develop an asset inventory of community members, organizations and businesses that have first-hand knowledge of community needs. †¢Show MoreRelatedThe Cornerstone Of Stakeholder Management1060 Words   |  5 Pagescommonly recognized stakeholder group. However, you also need to consider how your customers, community, employees and business partners impact your business. 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